1st Gold Art Dentristry Congress Endo & More

Supportiamo gli studenti europei dal 2010

Si terrà dal 20 al 22 ottobre ad Arad la manifestazione: 1st Gold Art Dentristry Congress Endo & More.

1st Gold Art Dentristry Congress
1st Gold Art Dentristry Congress

About the International Dentistry Congress

This event organized in partnership with Vasile Goldiș International Clinical Centre for Microscopy in Dentistry manages to host in Arad, world-renowned names in national and international dentistry: world-renowned university professors, speakers and top practitioners from Germany and  Romania  will present and teach during the presentations and hans-on: protocols, tips and tricks, the ,,know how” for a successful endodontic treatment. We know that this event will put “VASILE GOLDIȘ” Western University of Arad on the map of the great universities organizing large-scale events in the international community of dentistry.

The program is that of great occasions, the works being divided into topics of interest. This is the ideal event for any professional in this field to obtain the latest information in dentistry today and tomorrow. Bringing you the newest informations in the endodontic field thanks to the world renowed speakers, we hope to resolve some of your problems from your practice.

The official language of the congress is english.

1st Gold Art Dentristry Congress
1st Gold Art Dentristry Congress

Message from the University Rector

Rector, Prof. MD. PhD. Coralia Adina Cotoraci

“Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad as a postmodern academic institution, member of the Association of European Universities – (EUA), Magna Charta Observatory, Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC), European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg, European Consortium “Carolus Magnus ”, Union of Eurasian Universities (EURAS), Association of Universities of the Transcarpathian Region (ACRU), International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), holding the vice presidency of the European Federation for Education (FEDE) organizes between 20-22 October 2022, in Arad- Romania: 1st GoldARt Dentistry Congress, Endo&More.This important event brilliantly crowns the prestige gained in the country and abroad by the large number of students coming from abroad to various study programs. Young people from Italy, France, Morocco, India, Israel, Turkey, Germany, Austria, Algeria, Tunisia, Hungary, Sweden and other parts of the world study medicine in Romanian or in French and English. Also, thanks to the performances so far, our University has become a partner of over 50 prestigious academic institutions in the country and around the world, actively participating in the socio-economic and cultural development of Romania.So, by organizing the 1st GoldARt Dentistry Congress, Endo&More, the Western University “Vasile Goldiş” in Arad achieves the unique performance of hosting in Arad famous names in national and international dentistry: lecturers, world-renowned university professors, researchers, specialists and top practitioners.The program is a unique opportunity and an ideal opportunity for any dentist to get the latest information in today’s and tomorrow’s dentistry.Together with the President of the Congress, the Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee, I cordially invite you to Arad to be TOGETHER at this event of great scientific and academic value. Your presence honors us! 

Rector, Prof. MD. PhD. Coralia Adina Cotoraci

Message from the Honorary President

Letter from the Honorary President

As Honorary President of the first congress of dentistry with international participation organized by UVVG Arad, I would first of all like to greet the community of Alumni of the Faculty of Dentistry, gathered on this occasion and eager to have a continuity of the International Clinical Center of Microscopy in Dentistry where I am a founding member, as well as an international imprint of this event.

A long and beautiful friendship binds me to the family of the University and to the family of its founder, Mr. Aurel Ardelean. I would like to pay tribute to him! It is my way of showing my gratitude and my contribution to the good reputation of the Faculty of Dentistry and the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad.

Thank you very much to everyone for their involvement, national and international speakers, sponsors, the faculty team led by the Dean Ioana Lile and the University team led by the Rector, Prof. Coralia Cotoraci.

I am also particularly proud to be the sole representative in Italy of UVVG Arad. I believe that by opening international centres, the prestige of the University increases in the world.

Good luck with the congress!

Dr. Gennaro Galasso

PDF evento:

Sito ufficiale manifestazione: https://uvvgdentistrycongress.com/

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